In 2024, Independent Business Consulting, LLC was formally recognized and certified by the US Small Business Administration as a Woman-Owned Small Business. Our company is registered in the System for Awards Management ( We are actively seeking contracts as a Prime or Sub-Contracting Partner to gain experience, grow and expand operations in this market. Doing so will assist our company with long-term options for hiring qualified personnel and accelerate our business growth.

Please check back frequently for updates to these pages as we acquire our first partnerships and contracts.

Small Business Administration Small Business Profile Summary

At Independent Business Consulting, LLC we specialize in providing tailored and customizable top-tier consulting services focused on business and strategic planning, site selection, creating systems and teams to identify gaps and implement operational efficiencies. We can support outreach programming, regulatory compliance, training, audits, environmental permitting, and employee training.

Independent Business Consulting, LLC’s owner/founder has more than 20 years of experience in government and the private sector in industrial and chemical manufacturing. Her past roles include management of safety, health, environmental, emergency response, security and sustainability programs in the field and office. Further, her professional background includes teaching for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and providing training, compliance audits and certifications to various industries in Nebraska and across the nation.

Capabilities Statement 1-Fall 2024


US Small Business Administration Woman Owned Small Business Certified Logo